my life has been going pretty well as of yet. there nothing to really blog about it, i blog when I'm upset. its been awhile for those who actually read this m very sorry. i don't want to blog about something boring. i want to blog about something meaning full. and stuff in the mean time up to date well i found a kitten, i love taking in strays and giving them homes but this one is just everything i want it him to be he's just cute and my boyfriend loved him to. i always wanted a black cat. he does the cutes things, we can throw a sock across the room and he'll go and catches it and brings it back. we found him at 6months he's now 8months around there. we found him before christmas. he's sweet i love him and he's very playful and hyper. kinda a cry baby, he doesn't like to be alone. strays really do make the best pets. they already know what its like to be out there in that world and they'll do anything to make sure they don't go back. he's great he brings me lots of cuddles and love and laughter. I'm happy my dog likes him to.
i guess there is something thats been bugging me it always has to do with my x-boyfriend as awhile. its weird how stuff just doesn't really leave your mind. i haven't thought about him in a month but then i had dream about him and the next day he texted me. my heart heated so fast it felt amazing but nerv recking, i don't want to feel that way about an x-boyfriend. i love the guy I'm dating now. and nothing will change that even a dream about the man i care so much about.
so good night everyone, i hope your having a lovely day or night. ill try to keep you up today. <3 Love Rylee
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